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Rahul Sen

Created: 10/27/2010
Updated: 2/28/2024
Visits: 1,801
Dr. Rahul Sen
Senior Lecturer in Economics

AUT Department of Economics and Finance, Auckland University of Technology
Level 2 120 Mayoral Drive
Private Bag 92006 Auckland 1142
Auckland, Auckland 1142
New Zealand
+64-9-9219999 (extn 5037) (ph)
0 (fx)

I am a Senior lecturer at the School of Economics , Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand. Prior to this, i was working as a Research Fellow with the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) in Singapore from 2003-2007. My research interests are centered on economic integration in the Asia-Pacific, particularly related to Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), having published numerous papers, articles, books and book chapters on the subject that have been widely cited. In recognition of my expertise, my paper on FTAs involving the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) member countries was included at the 2006 IMF-World Bank Annual Program of Seminars in Singapore. My research findings have been widely cited by researchers working on Asian economic integration. I have also been invited to referee papers for several international journals, such as Journal of Asian Economics, Pacific Affairs, The World Economy and the Southern Economic Journal. My recently published, peer-reviewed journal articles appeared in The Singapore Economic Review, The World Economy and the Journal of World Trade. My most recent paper in the Singapore Economic Review explores the feasibility of an ASEAN Customs Union post-2015 utilizing GTAP database.

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