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Member Details
David Vanzetti

Created: 3/20/2001
Updated: 1/12/2019
Visits: 5,435
Dr. David Vanzetti

The University of Western Australia
School of Agriculture and Environment
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley
Perth, Western Australia 6009
+61 481 344 872 (ph)

Dr David Vanzetti is an agricultural economist with a varied career having worked with the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics in Canberra, UNCTAD in Geneva, FAO in Rome, the Danish Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Economics (SJFI) and several Universities in Australia, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. He has also worked as a consultant for the World Bank, ACIAR and the European Commission. He is currently an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at The School of Agriculture and Environment, The University of Western Australia. His previous work includes farm investment analysis, applications of game theory to the international wheat market, trade policy analysis of the Uruguay Round, South African trade sanctions, regional trading arrangements, desert locust control, climate change, trade and environment policies, food security issues, and hides and skins. Recent work includes modelling various FTAs in Asia and the Pacific and food security issues. He is based in Canberra.

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