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Hom Pant

Created: 3/20/2001
Updated: 2/10/2020
Visits: 5,166
Dr. Hom Pant

Deloitte Access Economice
123 Eagle Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000
+61 433821319 (Aust) (ph)

Hom Pant is a Principal at Deloitte Access Economics since 2016. He is responsible for the development of Deloitte Access Economics's in-house CGE model. Previously he was an Adjunct Fellow at the Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University. Prior to joining ANU, he was a Senior Economist at the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Canberra from 1998 to July 2014.

At ABARES Hom was responsible for the development and maintenance of the Global Trade and Environment Model (GTEM), ABARE’s general equilibrium model of the global economy. He also developed an elaborate land use change and forestry module of GTEM which improved the quality of projections of GHG emissions and changes in land uses across competing activities, such as crops, livestocks, bio fuels and forestry, in a carbon constrained environment.

Just before taking retirement from ABARES, Hom refined ABARES's AusREGION model, which is a multi-regional dynamic general equilibrium model of Australia.

Prior to joining ABARE in 1998, Hom worked as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Regional Economic Analysis (CREA), University of Tasmania. While at CREA Hom contributed substantially to the development and applications of various version of FEDERAL, which is CREA’s general equilibrium model of the Australian economy, and compiled the associated databases. Hom also worked at the Australian National University where he contributed to the construction of computable general equilibrium models of Thailand and the Philippines.

He holds a PhD in economics from the Australian National University.


Pant, H. M. (1997), Tariff Determination in the General Equilibrium of a Political Economy, Ashgate, London.

Working Models

1. Madden, J. R., Pant, H. M. (1994), FEDERAL (SA), A Two-Region Computable General Equilibrium Model focusing on the South Australian Economy, CREA, Hobart.

2. Madden, J. R., Pant, H. M. (1995), Tasmania 2010 Model, CREA, Hobart.

3. Madden, J. R., Pant, H. M. (1997), Regional Resource Model - Tasmania, CREA, Hobart.

4. Pant, H. M. (2002), Global Trade and Environment Model (GTEM): A computable general equilibrium model of the global economy and environment, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Canberra.

Commissioned Reports

1. Madden, J. R., Pant, H. M. (1994), Microeconomic Reform in South Australian Public Utilities, South Australian Centre for Economic Studies.

2. Madden, J. R., Pant, H. M. (1994), The Implications for South Australia of Reforms to the Australian Electricity Industry, South Australian Centre for Economic Studies.

3. Pant, H., Hagger, A. J., Madden, J. R.(1996), The Impact of the HEC's Proposed Price Targets on the Tasmanian Economy, Hydro-Electric Commission.

4. Madden, J. R., Hagger A. J., Pant, H. M. (1997), The Impact on the Tasmanian Economy of Implementing the Recommendations of the Burton Committee, Department of Transport, Hobart.

5. Madden, J. R., Pant, H. M. (1997), The Economic Impact on Tasmania of New Resource Developments, Regional Forest Agreement (Tasmania).

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