GTAP Data Bases: GTAP 7 Data Base
What is the GTAP Data Base?The GTAP Data Base is a fully documented, publicly available global data base which contains complete bilateral trade information, transport and protection linkages among 113 regions for all 57 GTAP commodities for a single year (2004 in the case of the GTAP 7 Data Base).
The GTAP Data Base is most commonly used with the GTAP Model and RunGTAP software. First, the user must aggregate the data (regions, commodities and endowments) using the GTAPAgg (or FlexAgg) program provided with the data base to the desired level and then use with the GTAP or GTAPinGams model/s to analyze the impact of global policies (trade, environmental, migration policies are commonly examined). Alternatively a user may be interested in extracting country SAMs or I-O tables from the GTAP Data Base for single country models. If you are interested in these alternative uses of the GTAP Data Base, we suggest you read through the points detailed on this page about what GTAP Data Base is not.
What's New in Version 7?
- Reference year corresponds to the global economy in 2004
- Additional regional disaggregation (57 sectors and
113 regions)
- New regions added to version 7 include: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bolivia,
Cambodia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guatemala, Iran,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway,
Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Senegal and Ukraine
Warning: We have found some serious data quality issues involved in the contributed Myanmar table, which is included in this version.
- New regions added to version 7 include: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bolivia,
Cambodia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guatemala, Iran,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway,
Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Senegal and Ukraine
- New trade data
- New protection data
- Improved bilateral services trade data
- Improved energy data
- Revised OECD domestic support
What is included in the GTAP 7 Data Base?
Purchasers of the full GTAP 7 Data Base will receive:
GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation
An abridged version of the documentation is shipped with purchases of the full GTAP 7 Data Package. The unabridged version is available for download at the link above.
A page has also been created in addition to the documentation which lists discussions of some issues in GTAP 7 Data Base.
Important References for Citation -
GTAP 7 FlexAgg Package
FlexAgg is a command-line aggregation program for use in creating aggregated data bases from the fully disaggregated GTAP Data Base. The FlexAgg program performs the same task as the GTAPAgg program. However, GTAPAgg has a user friendly windows interface, while FlexAgg uses a batch file to run a series of GEMPACK executable files. For most users of the GTAP Data Base, the GTAPAgg program, with its user friendly windows interface, is both easier to use and sufficient for most purposes. In some special cases however, experienced users may want to modify the GTAP Data Base and use the FlexAgg program to aggregate their modified data. The FlexAgg Package includes the full version of the latest release of the GTAP Data Base, and is only included in the Full GTAP Data Package.
FlexAgg includes the following files which comprise the GTAP Data Base:- gsddat.har (global data file)
- gsdset.har (global sets file)
- gsdpar.har (global parameters file)
- gsdvole.har (global energy volumes file)
- tstrade.har (global bilateral time-series trade data)
GTAP 7 GTAPAgg Package - Patches Tutorial (mp4 version)
GTAPAgg is a software package developed by Mark Horridge at the Centre of Policy Studies, for use in creating aggregated data bases from the fully disaggregated GTAP Data Base. Nearly all applications of the GTAP Model use an aggregation of the data base. The software helps you prepare an aggregation scheme, then uses your scheme to prepare an aggregated data base for the GTAP Model, as well as aggregated time-series and GTAPView data. The GTAPAgg Package includes an encrypted version of the latest release of the GTAP Data Base. GTAPAgg is constrained to aggregate only up to a 10-region by 10-sector dimension data base. Purchasers of the Full GTAP Data Package must place the gtapagg.lic license file in the GTAPAgg installation directory to relax the aggregation constraint. Please note that the main data file in the GTAPAgg package, basedata.hrx, is encrypted. It can only be used with GTAPAgg since decryption is performed together with the aggregation. A free GTAPAgg 7 Demo: 3X3 aggregation is also available. -
Access to interim releases of the GTAP 7 Data Base
GTAP 7.1 Data Base (May 2010)
The GTAP 7.1 Data Base has a 2004 base year, 57 sectors and 112 regions. Marc Mueller, Scott McDonald and Csilla Lakatos have contributed new I-O tables for all of the 27 EU member countries. Country-level information on different categories of payments have been incorporated in the EU agricultural domestic support data, thanks to Hans Jensen (FOI, Denmark). For the USA, revised estimates of domestic support were contributed for three of the agricultural sectors, namely, pfb (plant-based fibers), v_f (vegetables and fruits) and ocr (other crops), by Hsin Huang (OECD, Paris). This ensures that US cotton subsidies data in the GTAP Data Base is closer to that in other sources such as USDA. Agricultural production targeting was applied to EU-27 and US IO tables by Angel Aguiar and Badri Narayanan, with revised production targets.
Zhan-Ming Chen has contributed a new I-O table for China. In this version, we have removed the region Myanmar given serious data quality issues involved in the contributed Myanmar table. A new IO table for Vietnam, contributed by James Giesecke, has also been added.
Adjustments have been made to Private Consumption, Investment and Government Consumption data for Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Belgium, Cyprus, Luxembourg and Malta, using OECD NIA and EUROSTAT. The documentation for the improvements in this interim release will be included in GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation.
GTAP 7.1 Data Base (May 2010)
The GTAP Data Base is NOT
- a repository of Input-Output tables. The GTAP Data Base is a consistent representation of the world economy in the year base of the current version. Underlying the data base there are national input-output tables, trade, macroeconomic, and protection data from several sources. The underlying input-output tables are heterogeneous in sources, base years, and sectoral detail, thus for achieving consistency, substantial efforts are made to make the disparate sources comparable. For these reasons, the objective of the GTAP Data Base is not to provide IO tables, but to facilitate the operation of economic simulation models ensuring users a consistent set of economic facts. Some users interested in particular SAM use utilities written by researchers in the network to extract them. Users building IO tables based on this information do that under their own risk, and are assumed to understand the limitations imposed by the process of data base construction.
- a repository of time series on economic data. Except for trade data, the GTAP Data Base is a cross-section of consistent data on consumption, production, and trade. Some users assume that binding together different versions of the data base will give them time-series variation. The users considering to do this are strongly encouraged to get familiar with the processes underlying the construction of the GTAP Data Base, and to take into account that for many countries, the underlying IO tables do not change from version to version --- most of the variability comes from adjustment processes based on macroeconomic/trade changes.
- a relational data base of economic variables. Users interested in economic data only for comparative purposes are better served by sources such as the World bank Development Indicators, the IMF's financial statistics, or the FAO's agricultural statistics, to name a few. The data in the GTAP Data Base accurately depicts the magnitudes of economic variables, but they are presented in terms of the aggregates that serve CGE modeling.
Installation Requirements
A Pentium PC with a hard disk, at least 256 Mb of RAM, Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7.
Additional Data
Additional data is also available on the GTAP website for public use and for GTAP Data Base subscribers.
Free GTAPAgg 7 Demo: 3X3 aggregation
RunGTAP is a graphical user environment developed by Mark Horridge at the Centre of Policy Studies, for use in interactively solving the GTAP Model. It may be downloaded from the link above.
Presentations on GTAP Data Base

Year | Regions | Sectors | Documentation | Availability |
2004 | 112 | 57 | Available online | Download GTAPAgg 7.1 |
2004 | 113 | 57 | Available online | Download GTAPAgg 7 |
Last Modified: 1/8/2021 2:59:09 PM