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GTAP Events: 10th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis

Day 1   (Thursday, June 7)

Thursday, June 7 | Friday, June 8 | Saturday, June 9

Time Session
8:00am-8:30am Registration
8:30am-9:00am Opening Ceremony
Sally Thompson, Department Head of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
9:00am-11:00am Plenary Session: David Hummels

Quantitative International Trade: Making Use of New Findings (Sam Kortum)

International Trade and the Environment: Theory and Evidence (Scott Taylor)

11:00am-11:30am Coffee Break
Session 1: Carlos Ludena
Agricultural Policies in the Americas

The Andean Countries at a Crossroads: In Search of Trade and Integration Options (Masakazu Watanuki)

Climate Change and CGE Models: A Proposal to Estimate Climate Change Damage Functions (Roberto Roson)

Session 2: Marijke Kuiper
Climate Change Policy / Trade and the Environment

Coordinating Global Trade and Environmental Policy: The Role of Pre-Existing Distortions (Richard Garbaccio)

Trade Sanctions and Climate Policies (Ton Manders)

Session 3: Elena Ianchovichina
WTO Accession

The Trade and Income Effects of NTR Status for Russia (Robert Koopman)

GATT/WTO Promotes Trade Strongly: Sample Selection and Model Specification (Xuepeng Liu)

Session 4: Dean Spinanger

What Explains the Widening Wage Gap" Outsourcing vs. Technology (Claudia Canals)

Outsourcing and Wages: An Empirical Analysis (Syud Amer Ahmed)

Session 5: David Laborde
Trade and Water

International Trade and the National Water Balance - An Egyptian Case Study (Birgitte Gersfelt)

The Economic Impact of Water Pricing: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis (Katrin Rehdanz)

Session 6: John Ballingall
Preferential Arrangements in Oceania

Interacting Preferential Trade Agreements: Illustrations from Asia-Pacific (Anna Strutt)

Is there a Dirty Little Secret" Non-tariff Barriers and Additional Gains from Trade (Niven Winchester)

12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch
Organized Session 7: Tom Rutherford
Heterogeneous Firms: Theory, Measurement and Modeling I

Trade Integration, Firm Selection and the Cost of Non-Europe (Massimo Del Gatto)

Trade Reforms in a Global Competition Model: The Case of Chile (Luca David Opromolla)

Plant Heterogeneity and Trade: Lessons from the CA-US FTA (Michael Rolleigh)

Discussant (Sam Kortum)

Session 8: Sandra Rivera
Trade and the Environment

When Revenue Recycling Isn't Enough: Permit Allocation Strategies to Minimize Intra- and International Emissions Leakage (Alan Fox)

Sectoral economic impacts of CO2 control policies under low level stabilization targets; A study with the hybrid model DEARS (Takashi Homma)

Organized Session 9: Utpal Vasavada
CGE Modeling of Climate, Land Use, and Water: Challenges and Applications

Land and Water in the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) (Richard Tol)

Global Scenarios for Biofuels: Impacts and Implications for Food Security and Water Use (Timothy Sulser)

Global Adoption of Agricultural Biotechnology: Economic and Land Use Implications (Ruben Lubowski)

Discussant (Aziz Elbehri)

Organized Session 10: Mark Gehlhar
New Approaches For Trade Data Methodology

Accounting for Discrepancies in Bilateral Trade: The Case of China, Hong Kong, and the United States (Michael Ferrantino)

Reconciling Trade Statistics: A Math Programming Approach (Zhi Wang)

Bilateral Services Trade Data For GTAP-7 Database (Nico van Leeuwen)

Discussant (Fan Zhai)

Session 11: Juha Honkatukia
European Enlargement and PTA's

Turkey and the Preferential Trade Agreements (Yontem Sonmez)

Implications of Agricultural Integration Between Turkey and the EU (Mustafa Acar)

Economic implications of the EU accession of Bulgaria and Romania: a CGE approach (Csilla Lakatos)

Session 12: Anna Strutt
Agricultural Trade and Food Security

Project proposal EU ruralis: a scenario study on Europe's rural areas to support policy discussion (Hans van Meijl)

Peeling Tomato Paste Subsidies (Frank Bunte)

Productivity Shock and National Food Security for Japan (Tetsuji Tanaka)

3:30pm-4:00pm Coffee Break
Organized Session 13: Alexander Sarris
The Implications of Trade Liberalization for Developing Countries under Different Structural Assumptions

A Structuralist Approach To Trade Reform: A Critique" (Dominique van der Mensbrugghe)

Modelling the Impact of Trade Liberalisation: A Critique of Computable General Equilibrium Models (Lance Taylor)

Vietnam's Accession to the WTO: Lessons from Past Trade Agreements (Philip Abbott)

Liberalizing Trade under Structural Constraints in Developing Countries: A General Equilibrium Analysis of Tanzania (Piero Conforti)

Session 14: Richard Garbaccio

The economy-wide effects in the United States of replacing crude petroleum with biomass (Maureen Rimmer)

The Monash-Multi-Country (MMC) Model and the Investment Liberalisation in China's Oil Industry (Mai Yinhua)

What becomes of Green Gold" Evaluating the effects of increasing bio-fuel production in Finland with VATTAGE " A MONASH-type CGE model for Finland (Juha Honkatukia)

Alternative Approaches to Extend GTAP to Biofuel Crops (Geert Woltjer)

Organized Session 15: Gaspar Frontini
Economic Partnership Agreements

Assessing the EPAs: A Product Level Approach (Maria Cristina Mitaritonna)

RTAs and WTO compatibility: Catch me if you can" The case of EPA negotiations (Lucian Cernat)

Evaluating the impact of EPAs: Partial equilibrium modelling and beyond (Sherman Robinson)

Trade Facilitation and the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements: Who Has the Most to Gain" (Maria Persson)

Organized Session 16: Ernesto Valenzuela
Market Access

When are Variety Gains from Trade Important" Domestic Productivity and the Cost of Protectionism (Volodymyr Lugovskyy)

How Market Access and the Supply of Quality Affect the Terms of Trade (David Hummels)

Hedging Price Volatility Using Fast Transport (Georg Schaur)

How Strong is the Love of Variety (Adina Ardelean)

Session 17: Robert Koopman
Model Validation

CGE Model Development and Experimental Design in Applied Policy Analysis (Ashley Winston)

Evidence-based Trade Policy Decision Making in Australia and the Development of Computable General Equilibrium modelling (Peter Dixon)

Prices, Social Accounts and Economic Models (Scott McDonald)

International Spillovers of domestic Reforms (Hugo Rojas-Romagosa)

Session 18: Rajesh Chadha
Economic Growth in Asia

China, India and the Global Economy: Fierce Competition or Shared Growth" (Elena Ianchovichina)

China and Africa as competitors in the world markets for manufactures (Nelson Villoria)

A Comparative Analysis of Shallow and Deep Integration of China and India into the Global Economy: A Disaggregated Analysis using the GTAP Partial Equilibrium Models (H. David Evans)

Asian Growth Poles: Implications of Trade Liberalisation and Economic Integration by China and India for Other Developing Countries (Karen Thierfelder)

7:00pm-10:00pm Reception

Day 2   (Friday, June 8)

Thursday, June 7 | Friday, June 8 | Saturday, June 9

Time Session
8:00am-8:30am Registration
8:30am-10:30am Plenary Session: Will Martin

The Use of Economic Modeling in the Climate Change Debate: Failures and Opportunities (William Pizer)

Foreign Direct Investment: Empirical Facts and Modeling Choices (Bruce Blonigen)

10:30am-11:00am Coffee Break
Organized Session 19: Tom Rutherford
Heterogeneous Firms: Theory, Measurement and Modeling II

Structural Estimation and Solution of International Trade Models with Heterogeneous Firms (Edward Balistreri)

Armington Meets Melitz: Introducing Firm Heterogeneity in Global CGE Model of Trade (Fan Zhai)

Liberalization of Barriers Against Foreign Direct Investment in Services with Heterogeneous Firms: A quantitative assessment for Kenya (David Tarr)

Discussant (Thomas Hertel)

Session 20: Angus Charteris
Trade, Poverty, Income Distribution and Gender

Free Trade Agreements, Poverty and Inequality in Central America (Luis Rivera)

Trade, Gender and Poverty in Agricultural Economies (Maurizio Bussolo)

Why initiatives towards LDCs should be consolidated in the DDA (Lionel Fontagne)

Session 21: Alejandro Nin Pratt
Regionalism vs. Multilateralism

Will regionalism survive multilateralism": The EU-MERCOSUR example (Maria Priscila Ramos)

North African Countries and Agricultural Trade Liberalization Under the Doha Round: Does a Top-Down Analysis Matters" (Mohamed Abdelbasset Chemingui)

A new geography of preferences for Sub-Saharan African countries in a globalizing trading system (Marco Fugazza)

Session 22: Ron Sandrey
Land Use

What if not all land is created equal" The role of heterogeneous land when assessing the impact of trade liberalization on developing countries (Marijke Kuiper)

Projecting Land-Use Change in the Dynamic GTAP Framework (Alla Golub)

Future Changes in Global Land Use Emissions (Farzad Taheripour)

Session 23: Maureen Rimmer
Tariff Aggregation and Disaggregated Data

Dissaggregating the GTAP Data Base: A dairy sector example (Marian Mraz)

Which tariff aggregator for trade modelers" (Antoine Bou")

Methods to aggregate import tariffs and their impacts on modeling results (Janine Pelikan)

Session 24: Leena Kerkela
Trade and the environment

Holding Visitors Accountable: The Impact of Tourism on Global Climate Change (Jian Zhang)

Quantitative Analysis of Monopolistic Power of Economies in Transition in the International Emissions Trading (Ken'ichi Matsumoto)

Economic and Environmental Effects of Border Tax Adjustments (Everett Peterson)

12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch
Organized Session 25: Arjan Lejour
FDI and Services Trade

A multisector multicountry FDI database for GTAP (Houssein Boumelassa)

The effects of mnes on host economies: a computable general equilibrium approach (Maria Latorre)

The Determinants of GATS Commitment Coverage (Ranier Lanz)

Session 26: Scott McDonald
Economic Analysis of Growth and Development in Africa

Trade and Aid Policies: Their Impact on Economic Development in Mozambique (Leena Kerkela)

South Africa: Trade Liberalization and Poverty in a Dynamic Microsimulation CGE Model (Ramos Mabugu)

Keeping Track of Agricultural TFP Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is there Light at the End fo the Tunnel" (Alejandro Nin Pratt)

Session 27: Masakazu Watanuki
Economic Analysis of Poverty in the Americas

Poverty and Distributional Consequences of CAFTA-DR. An ex-ante evaluation using dynamic CGE models for Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Marco V Sanchez Cantillo)

Resource Booms, Inequality, and Poverty: The Case of Gas in Bolivia (Jann Lay)

Recent Chilean Trade Policy facing Asia: Assessment of the FTAs with China and Japan (Andres Schuschny)

Session 28: Marco Fugazza
South Asia

Regional Integration in South Asia: Causes and Impacts (Tasneem Mirza)

Liberalising Border Trade: Implications for Domestic Agricultural Markets of India (Rajesh Chadha)

Session 29: Ashley Winston
Trade and Asia

One step forward, two steps back: an assessment of the economic and poverty impacts of trade policy reversals in the Philippines (Erwin Corong)

Endogenous electronic equipment spillovers in the APEC region (Wojtek Szewczyk)

Barriers and Rules of Origin in a Post-ATC World (William Powers)

Session 30: Wusheng Yu
China and Exchange Rates

Agriculture Trade Liberalization and Poverty in China: A Dynamic CGE Model Analysis (Xiaohe Liu)

Chinas Economic Growth and its Real Exchange Rate (Rod Tyers)

On the benefits of exchange rate flexibility under endogenous tradedness (Kanda Naknoi)

3:30pm-4:00pm Coffee Break
Organized Session 31: Lionel Fontagne
Working at the Tariff Line

Extending General Equilibirium to the Tariff Line: U.S. Dairy in the Doha Development Agenda (Jason Grant)

How does Tariff-rate Quota Modeling Affect CGE results": An Application for MIRAGE (Yvan Decreux)

Estimating Censored and Non Homothetic Demand Systems: The Generalized Maximum Entropy (Fabienne Femenia)

Formulas and Flexibilities in Trade Negotiations: The Case of Sensitive Agricultural Products in the WTO (David Laborde)

Discussants (Will Martin & Robert Koopman)

Session 32: Andres Schuschny
Preferential Arrangements and Domestic Policy Analysis in the Americas

An Exploratory Spatial Analysis of CGE Results: An Application to the US-Ecuador FTA and Ecuador's Agricultural Sector (Carlos Ludena)

Trade Agreements and their impacts on the Familiar Agriculture in Brazil (Angelo Gurgel)

An FTA between Paraguay and the United States: Special Considerations and Results (Francisco Carlos Ruiz Diaz)

Organized Session 33: Wallace Tyner
Impacts of Increased Biofuels Production on Global Trade and Agriculture

Impact of Biofuel Policies on World Agricultural and Food Markets (Martin Banse)

Biomass Energy and Competition for Land (John Reilly)

Cellulosic Ethanol in 2020: Effects on the U.S. Economy of Successful Commercialization (Stefan Osborne)

Impact of Biofuel Production on World Agricultural Markets: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis (Dileep Birur)

Organized Session 34: Antoine Bouet
Trade, Poverty and Nutrition

Poverty Analysis Using International Cross-Country Demand System (John Cranfield)

A Modified, Implicit, Directly Additive Demand System (Paul Preckel)

A Closer Look at the Impact of Climate Change on Country-Level Food Security and Nutrition (Siwa Msangi)

Global Nutrition Impacts of Rapid Economic Growth in China and India (Thomas Hertel)

Session 35: Sebastien Jean
Labor, Migration and Remittances

Trade and its Effects on Migration Flows into the United States (Angel Aguiar)

Do remittances have a flip side" A general equilibrium analysis of remittances, labor supply responses and policy options for Jamaica (Denis Medvedev)

North American Competitiveness and Labor Market Interdependence (Terrie Walmsley)

Immigration, imperfect competition and welfare for the host country (Wusheng Yu)

Session 36: Joaquim Bento Ferreira-Filho
Analysis of the Doha Round

Poverty and Income Distribution Under Different Factor Market Assumptions: A Macro-Micro Model (Carolina Diaz-Bonilla)

Domestic and external resource constraints to achieving the millennium development goals. A dynamic macro-micro CGE model analysis applied to Costa Rica and Ecuador (Rob Vos)

The impact of multilateral NAMA tariff reductions (Hans Grinsted Jensen)

Sensitive and Special Products in Trade Negotiations: Towards an African Formula (Stephen Karingi)

7:00pm-10:00pm Dinner

Day 3   (Saturday, June 9)

Thursday, June 7 | Friday, June 8 | Saturday, June 9

Time Session
Organized Session 37: Maurizio Bussolo
Measurement and Evolution of Global Disparities in Income and Wealth

New Evidence on the Urbanization of Global Poverty (Shaohua Chen)

The World Distribution of Household Wealth (Susana Sandstrom)

Are Incomes around the World Converging or Diverging" The Prospects for Global Income Inequality (Rafael de Hoyos)

Session 38: Alan Fox
Climate Change

Extending GTAP Data for Climate Policy Analysis (Ronald Sands)

EY-ETS and existing energy taxes (Paul Veenendaal)

Economic Evaluation of Public Policies Aiming the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Brazil (Joaquim Bento Ferreira-Filho)

Organized Session 39: Everett Peterson
CGE Effects of Agricultural Distortions in Developing Countries using a New Distortions Database

Effects of Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Africa (Marianne Kurzweil)

Effects of Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Asia (Kym Anderson)

Effects of Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Latin America (Ernesto Valenzuela)

Organized Session 40: Karen Thierfelder
Gravity and GTAP

Trade in services and dissimilarity in domestic regulations (Arjan Lejour)

Does Gravity Apply to Intangibles" Trade and FDI in Services (Bernard Hoekman)

Sharing gravity: Gravity estimates of trade shares in agri-food (Frank van Tongeren)

Session 41: Keith Walsh
Trade Restrictiveness Indexes and TFP calculations

Estimating the Robustness of Trade Restrictiveness Indices (Stephen Tokarick)

Trade and Sectoral Productivities (Pablo Fleiss)

Session 42: Mustafa Acar

Meta-Regression Analysis for Parameter Estimation: An Alternative Path to Elasticity Estimates for CGE Models (Kathryn Boys)

Armington elasticities estimations between import sources: Respecification and the case of imported rice in EU (Esmaeil Pishbahar)

The effects of final demand parameters on trade policy analysis : An application to the World Bank's Linkage CGE model (Sebnem Sahin)

10:00am-10:30am Coffee Break
10:30am-12:15pm Plenary Panel: Frank van Tongeren
Future of GTAP

Why, How and When did GTAP Happen" What has it achieved" Where is it headed" (Alan Powell)

Lionel Fontagne
Bernard Hoekman
John Reilly

12:15pm-12:30pm Closing Remarks
Provost Sally Mason, Purdue University
12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch

Thursday, June 7 | Friday, June 8 | Saturday, June 9