GTAP Data Bases: GTAP 9 Data Base
What is the GTAP 9 Data Base?The centerpiece of the Global Trade Analysis Project is the GTAP Data Base, a fully documented, publicly available global data base which contains complete bilateral trade information, transport and protection linkages. The GTAP Data Base represents the world economy and is utilized by thousands worldwide as a key input into contemporary applied general equilibrium (AGE) analysis of global economic issues. The current release, the GTAP 9 Data Base, features 2004, 2007 and 2011 reference years as well as 140 regions for all 57 GTAP commodities.
The GTAP Data Base is most commonly used with the GTAP Model and RunGTAP software. First, the user must aggregate the data (regions, commodities and endowments) using the GTAPAgg (or FlexAgg) program provided with the data base to the desired level and then use with the GTAP or GTAPinGams model/s to analyze the impact of global policies (trade, environmental, migration policies are commonly examined). Alternatively a user may be interested in extracting country SAMs or I-O tables from the GTAP Data Base for single country models. If you are interested in these alternative uses of the GTAP Data Base, we suggest you read through the points detailed on this page about what GTAP Data Base is not.
What's New in GTAP 9?
- Three reference years: 2004, 2007 and 2011
Additional regional disaggregation: 140 regions and 57 sectors
Newly added regions: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Togo, Rwanda, Brunei Darussalam, Jordan, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Trinidad and Tobago
Updated/Improved regions: Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Belarus, Pakistan, Turkey, China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zambia
- New macro-economic data for 2004, 2007, and 2011
- New bilateral merchandise trade data for 2011
- New protection data for 2007 and 2011
- New Time-Series Bilateral Trade data from 1995-2013
- Improved bilateral services trade data for 2004, 2007, and 2011
- Improved energy data for 2004, 2007, and 2011
- Revised OECD domestic support for 2004, 2007, and 2011
- Decomposition of tariff (into ad valorem and specific)
- CO2 emissions dataset integrated into core data base
- Five labor skill categories
***All purchasers of GTAP 9, will receive access to GTAP 8 (and its suite of utilities) free of charge.***
What is included in the GTAP 9 Data Base?
Purchasers of the GTAP 9 Data Base will receive electronic access to the following:
- GTAP 9 Data Base Documentation (Reported Issues and Patches)
GTAPAgg2 is an updated version of the GTAPAgg software package developed by Mark Horridge at the Centre of Policy Studies, for use in creating aggregated data bases from the fully disaggregated GTAP Data Base. Nearly all applications of the GTAP Model use an aggregation of the data base. The software helps you prepare an aggregation scheme, then uses your scheme to prepare an aggregated data base for the GTAP Model, as well as aggregated time-series and GTAPView data. The GTAPAgg2 program has been redesigned to handle multiple GTAP Data Bases. -
GTAPAgg - Patches Free Demo Version
GTAPAgg is a software package developed by Mark Horridge at the Centre of Policy Studies, for use in creating aggregated data bases from the fully disaggregated GTAP Data Base. Nearly all applications of the GTAP Model use an aggregation of the data base. The software helps you prepare an aggregation scheme, then uses your scheme to prepare an aggregated data base for the GTAP Model, as well as aggregated time-series and GTAPView data. The GTAPAgg Package includes an encrypted version of the latest release of the GTAP Data Base. Please note that the main data file in the GTAPAgg package, basedata.hrx, is encrypted. It can only be used with GTAPAgg since decryption is performed together with the aggregation. -
FlexAgg is a command-line aggregation program for use in creating aggregated data bases from the fully disaggregated GTAP Data Base. The FlexAgg program performs the same task as the GTAPAgg program. However, GTAPAgg has a user friendly windows interface, while FlexAgg uses a batch file to run a series of GEMPACK executable files. For most users of the GTAP Data Base, the GTAPAgg program, with its user friendly windows interface, is both easier to use and sufficient for most purposes. In some special cases however, experienced users may want to modify the GTAP Data Base and use the FlexAgg program to aggregate their modified data.
New Users
GTAP 9 Data Base Documentation chapters 1 and 2 are particularly useful for new users to see how what is included in the GTAP Data Base and how it was structured. The GTAP Data Base is designed to be used with the GTAP Model. If you are interested in learning more, we suggest applying up for an upcoming GTAP Short Course or working through the vast materials on the website by reviewing our "Getting Started with GTAP" page.
Additional resources:
- Introduction to the Global Trade Analysis Project and the GTAP Data Base, GTAP Working Paper No. 67
- Deriving a Global Social Accounting Matrix, GTAP Technical Paper No. 22
- RunGTAP and Hands-on Computing with RunGTAP and WinGEM To Introduce GTAP and GEMPACK (See section A detailing how to use the GTAP Data Base with the GTAP Model and RunGTAP
- Assistance: see Technical Support section
The GTAP Data Base is NOT
- a repository of Input-Output tables. The GTAP Data Base is a consistent representation of the world economy in the year base of the current version. Underlying the data base there are national input-output tables, trade, macroeconomic, and protection data from several sources. The underlying input-output tables are heterogeneous in sources, base years, and sectoral detail, thus for achieving consistency, substantial efforts are made to make the disparate sources comparable. For these reasons, the objective of the GTAP Data Base is not to provide IO tables, but to facilitate the operation of economic simulation models ensuring users a consistent set of economic facts. Some users interested in particular SAM use utilities written by researchers in the network to extract them. Users building IO tables based on this information do that under their own risk, and are assumed to understand the limitations imposed by the process of data base construction.
- a repository of time series on economic data. Except for trade data, the GTAP Data Base is a cross-section of consistent data on consumption, production, and trade. Some users assume that binding together different versions of the data base will give them time-series variation. The users considering to do this are strongly encouraged to get familiar with the processes underlying the construction of the GTAP Data Base, and to take into account that for many countries, the underlying IO tables do not change from version to version - most of the variability comes from adjustment processes based on macroeconomic/trade changes.
- a relational data base of economic variables. Users interested in economic data only for comparative purposes are better served by sources such as the World bank Development Indicators, the IMF's financial statistics, or the FAO's agricultural statistics, to name a few. The data in the GTAP Data Base accurately depicts the magnitudes of economic variables, but they are presented in terms of the aggregates that serve CGE modeling.
Minimum Installation Requirements
Hard disk with at least 256 Mb of RAM, Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 or 8.
Technical Support
GTAP Network members in need of technical support are encouraged to use the following avenues to request assistance. General, non-technical inquiries may be addressed to contactgtap

The Center for Global Trade Analysis maintains a searchable repository of frequently asked questions on many different aspects of GTAP. - GTAP Support Email is an account monitored by the Center for Global Trade Analysis' data team. Network members can email to reach a GTAP staff member for technical support on any GTAP product.
- GTAP-L Mailing List
GTAP-L is an email-based list to which many members of the GTAP Network subscribe in order to receive updates on the GTAP Data Base, model, events, jobs and technical assistance. For further information, to subscribe or to access a searchable archive of GTAP-L messages, please visit the GTAP-L Mailing List homepage

How GTAP Network members are using the GTAP 9 Data Base
Professor of Economics, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)
My recent research using GTAP deals with the effects of regional integration in both members and non-members countries, with emphasis on international trade and welfare. The simulations involve the reduction of both tariffs and NTBs using GTAP's precious bilateral trade information, focusing especially in Brazil's future trade agreements with trade partners such as European Union and BRICS.
PhD student, Addis Ababa University
I am using the GTAP 9 Data Base to evaluate the economic and water resource scarcity effects of trade liberalization and facilitation in the Nile basin. Besides, I am using the data in assessing the economy-wide impacts of climate change and irrigation development in the basin. In both cases I am applying the GTAP-W model.
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Virginia
United States
My research examines issue-linked environmental policy cooperation and market structure. I am currently using the GTAP Data Base to explore the implications of combining second best emission taxes on intermediate inputs with positive trade concessions under imperfect competition.
Research Fellow, CITA, Government of Aragón and LEI Wageningen
The GTAP Data Base constitutes an invaluable and integral part of my research activities, which at the current time, have a European Union (EU) focus. With the data enhancements to the EU domestic agricultural support component, I use it to conduct impact assessments relating to Common Agricultural Policy reform scenarios, or different trading arrangements (in concert with other researchers, I am currently looking at different trading futures between the Commonwealth of Independant States and the EU). In addition, using ongoing work at LEI Wageningen to split out additional sources of biomass supply and use from GTAP data sector and commodity classifications, the data provides a basis for examining the potential for sustainable biobased growth strategies in the EU.
Associate Professor, University of Queensland
I am using the GTAP 9 Data Base (and associated packages) in two main areas of research. The first investigates the impacts of trade policies at the regional, national and household levels for selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The second line of enquiry is the analysis of land-based carbon mitigation options to address climate change.
Economic Analyst, Central Bank of Venezuela, Bureau of Economic Research
My research mainly focuses on Multiplier (Leontief) models, real CGE models and Balance Sheet-CGE models, all of them based on the System of National Accounts of Venezuela. Currently I am working on a structural-comparative analysis of the Venezuelan economy based on the GTAP data versions 8 and 9. Also, I am conducting studies regarding sectoral and macroeconomic effects of domestic and foreign shocks that affect the Venezuelan economy.
Director, State Research Institute of Information and Economic Modeling
I am representing State scientific research institute of informatization and economic modelling ( Our main themes of research are Ukrainian trade policy development with different trade partners in the World trade, evaluation of trade limits over forestry sector in Ukraine and its economic influence, rising trade tariffs over metal scrap, implementation of the temporary (during one year) import tariffs 5-10% depending on the sector legalized by Ukrainian law. Also, the Institute created laboratory of economic analysis and trained the team of experts. During 2015–2016 years 8 projects were done. Preparations for an in-depth study of the impact on the conclusion of free trade agreements with Canada, Turkey and Israel on the economic development of Ukraine are continuing. Researches are carried out on the orders of state authorities and business structures.
Associate Professor, Kirikkale University
Dr. Aydin's recent two works focus on contemporary issues in potential economic and environmental impacts of; 1) economic integration on BRICS economies, and 2) political economy of diesel subsidy on Turkish economy by using computable general equilibrium models namely, GTAP/GTAP-E and ORANI models. The data used in these works are derived from the GTAP 9 Data Base well-suited to examine the consequences of trade opening and energy-carbon abatement policy issues. In his works, structure of these models has been modified in a number of ways to make it suitable for analyzing energy and environmental issues.
Student, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
United States
I am using GTAP data (GTAP-E and GTAP-Power) to analyze the general equilibrium effects of unilateral environmental regulations and trade. The main focus of my research is to analyze the overall welfare effects under different emissions regulatory frameworks, such as cap and trade regulation and emissions per output regulation. There is a special emphasis on the implications of embedded carbon dioxide on trade of goods.
Student, Fudan University
My current research is on the effect of China-Australia FTA on China-New Zealand trade. Australia and New Zealand has rather similar endowments, so this had put the two countries in an interesting position. It is interesting to see the various effects of expanding from a bi-lateral free trade zone of China and New Zealand Expanding to a Tri-lateral free trade zone of China, New Zealand and Australia.
Professor, Hanyang University
South Korea
I have used the GTAP Data Base (along with other supplementary ones) for my research works since my PhD days. I am a regular subscriber of the GTAP Data Base and satellite programs as well. My area of research is related to globalization, trade, and economic development. For exploring multi-faceted issues related to global trade and development GTAP Data Base is excellent resource to use and the current version 9 is expanded to include more aspects. Over the years, the expanded versions of GTAP has benefited me for exploring issues such as technology transfer, skilled-unskilled wage gap, trade integration, and allied topics. Right now, I will use GTAP 9 for studying issues related to firm heterogeneity, mega trade deals which is my current research interests. Also, I published a book in 2014 which included contributions from reputed CGE scholars using GTAP and other CGE models like MONASH or USAGE. No doubt, GTAP 9 and other databases are useful research materials for state-of-the art areas.
Deputy Chief Executive, New Zealand Institute of Economic Research
New Zealand
John and his colleagues at NZIER are using the GTAP 9 Data Base primarily for evaluating the potential effects of New Zealand's current and proposed Free Trade Agreements, such as TPP and the EU-NZ FTA. They are also linking the GTAP Model with their more detailed single-country CGE model of the New Zealand economy - ORANI-G-NZ - to assess the impacts of trade liberalisation at a more detailed industry and sectoral level.
Professor, University of Minnesota
United States
The use of GTAP in my research program has been fitting these data to endogenous saving – multi sector growth models. Most recent applications deal with: economic growth and ground water dynamics in the Punjab of India, strengthening ecosystem and development linkages in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the conjunctive use of irrigation water over time in Morocco, land market integration and structural change in Zambia, a journal paper on international trade, exhaustible resource abundance and economic growth, and a thesis on the effect of transnational farmland investments over time on the Ghanaian economy. The data were also used in the book: Multisector Growth Models: Theory and Application, Springer pub. 2010. Additionally, the data is also used in my MS and Ph.D. level classes.
Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Science, The University of Shiga Prefecture
I am using the GTAP 9 Data Base for developing a CGE model for analyzing climate change issues. I use the data base, but develop my own dynamic CGE model. One of my recent interests is to link climate science and climate economic studies.
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo
Using the GTAP Data Base, Dr. Bachmann is studying the impact of the Canada Korea Free Trade Agreement and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) on Canada's transportation system. He is currently quantifying the impact of these trade agreements on Canada's trade flows in terms of the resulting interprovincial and international trade flows, measured by volumes and indicated by commodity group, compared to the pre-trade agreement state of trade flows. These projects are supported by Transport Canada and Industry Canada. Chris Bachmann is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Canada. Further details are available at:
Professor, School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics
I began to learning the GTAP Model in 2002 and used it intensively afterward. More than 50 academic research papers and reports had been published up to now by adopting standard or improved GTAP Model. Meanwhile, I have developed China's agricultural partial equilibrium model and have been trying to develop China's dynamic national and regional (provincial level) CGE models.
Director of Industrial Analysis Division; Associate Professor, Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Center
My job is to analyze the modern and potential trade policies and provide policy facts and suggestions to government. Parts of my responsibilities are quantifying the impact of trade policy on the economy based some quantifying and empirical instruments, for example GTAP Model and other general or partial equilibrium models as well as some econometrical models. GTAP 9 Data Base is the most comprehensive database including enough economies and sectors, being the strong backing for lots of our analysis.
Lecturer, University of Loyola
I am interested in trade analysis worldwide and more specifically in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Russia, and the EU) and Central American countries. Furthermore such issues as tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade on agricultural goods and its modeling are in scope of my interest. Lastly, tax-subsidy policies and its modeling in GTAP frame (as an example EU Common Agricultural Policy).
Head of Economic Modeling at the Centre for Global Trade and Investment, São Paulo School of Economics - Getulio Vargas Foundation
I have been using the GTAP 9 Data Base to better understand the interplay between Preferential Trade Agreements and the formation of Global/Regional Value Chains, taking into account the role of non tariff barriers such as TBT, SPS and trade facilitation. This is, nowadays, a crucial issue for less integrated economies such as Brazil.
Energy Analysis Team, Sustainable Systems and Social Sciences Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
United States
Uses the GTAP framework to implement and simulate CGE models for applied energy-environmental policy analysis. Static and dynamic CGE models are used to assess the impacts of U.S. biofuel policy on land use change, greenhouse gases emission, and the economy. Others applications include dynamic evaluations of the comparative implications of demand vs. supply shocks on global and regional economies.
PhD Student, University of Arkansas
United States
I am interested in modeling renewable energy adoption in Saudi Arabia. My plans to use a combination of GTAP modeling and life cycle assessment (LCA). The LCA's analysis will be extended to include changes in economy and technology through using the Computable general equilibrium (CGE) in GTAP framework in order to include the indirect environmental consequences caused by the RE adoption.
Research Fellow, Inst of Econ, Academia Sinica
The GTAP Model and Data Base has been used by our GEMTEE(General Equilibrium Model for Taiwan Economy and Environment) team in Academia Sinica to investigate the macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of Taiwan's population dynamics and policies related to sustainable development and free trade agreements with New Zealand, Singapore and China. Recently, policy debates upon whether Taiwan should join TPP and RCEP are mostly based on GTAP simulations.
Researcher, Academy of State Administration of Grain
I am engaged in the Chinese grain supply and demand analysis trying to establish a partial equlibrium model using lots of unique data. GTAP is a very effective and important tool kit to support this global analysis.
Researcher, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Richard Wood works with the GTAP Data Base in analysing environmental impacts associated with trade and final demand. Taking a "consumption based" approach, Richard looks at the interconnection between development, trade and the environment, in order to determine underlying drivers of our impacts. Richard is involved in database development of multi-regional input-output (MRIO) models, and in this context uses the GTAP Data Base alongside other MRIO databases to understand robustness and variability across the databases (see
Ph.D. Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
The topic of my Ph.D. dissertation is the evaluation of proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement between 16 Asia-Pacific countries using general equilibrium framework. For this purpose, I am using the Static GTAP Model and the GTAP 9 Data Base is the only database which provides the latest, detailed and consistent data to estimate it. The main objective of my research is to evaluate the impact of reduction in trade barriers due to RCEP agreement on economies of member and non-member countries. The usage of the GTAP Model with the GTAP 9 Data Base allows me to report the direct and indirect effects of reducing trade barriers in a post-simulation environment.
Professor, Kobe Gakuin University
I have studied the impacts of trade policy and climate change policy by using the GTAP Data Base and Model under several research projects. In particular, I am interested in the structural change caused by the policy and analyzing it by combining a CGE approach with an input-output approach. I intend to use the GTAP 9 Data Base and GDyn-E Model to investigate the economic and environmental effects of East Asian emission trading in the context of China's 2030 carbon peak out.
Professor, ICCS of National Technical University of Athens
Pantelis CAPROS is Professor of Energy Economics at NTUA (National Technical University of Athens). Over 25 years, he is leading research based on large-scale numerical models, which simulate energy markets, project energy investment into the future, optimize roadmaps for climate change mitigation and assess economic and societal impacts. He is the Director of E3MLab, a laboratory operating within the NTUA that specializes in the construction and use of large scale computerized models covering the areas of Energy, the Economy and the Environment. Such models are used to make projections and analyze complex issues requiring system-wide consideration. The European Commission, Governments, electricity and gas companies, and their associations, are widely using these models, namely PRIMES and GEM-E3, in their policy analysis, continuously over the last 20 years. Electricity and Gas market design, long-term energy/environment planning and macroeconomic analysis are the main topics of Prof. Capros's consultancy activities. Mathematical programming, mathematical economics and energy analysis are the scientific disciplines of Prof. Capros's teaching and publishing activities.
Senior Economist, CEFIR
For me, the GTAP 9 Data Base is an essential source of data for a number of different lines of research on trade policy and regional integration. Our work at CEFIR is particularly focused on the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU): Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. The GTAP 9 Data Base is unique since it contains social accounting matrices for all five EAEU countries. This is why the GTAP 9 Data Base is the cornerstone of most CGE-type analysis produced by CEFIR, for example, a recent assessment of reduction of non-tariff barriers in the EAEU. We also use GTAP 9 as a source of input-output tables for assessment of trade in value-added and estimation of effective rates of protection for the EAEU countries.
Full Professor, Federal University of Juiz de Fora
I am using the GTAP framework to assess the systemic effects of increased economic relations between Brazil and the countries of the America Continent. To this end, we build scenarios such as: a) the formation of a new Free Trade Area of the Americas, namely, the elimination of import tariffs and export subsidies and production among the members; b) assessment of agreements such as the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur; and c) evaluation of NAFTA agreements - Mercosur, among others. We expected to bring answers on the trade integration of the Brazilian economy with other American countries.
Interested in receiving the GTAP Data Base for free?
A free copy of the GTAP Data Base is available to individuals who contribute an acceptable Input-Output table to the GTAP Data Base. Contributors receive a copy of the GTAP Data Base to which they contributed as well as access to all interim releases, via a secured website.