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GTAP Events: 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis

24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis
"Global Food System: Opportunities and Challenges"

Conference Program

Jump to: June 23 June 24 June 25 Participant List

All times listed are in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock.

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Wednesday, June 23

Daily Session Overview

Track 1: 06:00-08:12 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #1
Understanding Economic Impacts of COVID-19
Organized Session #2
Compare-Contrast-Connect: What Do We Learn from the Decades of Water Modeling Efforts?
Organized Session #3
The 1st Seminar on Bridging the Gap between CGE and NQTMs: Recent Methodologies in Global Trade for Applied Policy Analysis
Session #4
Climate Change Policy
Session #5
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Session #6
African Continental Free Trade Area
Session #7
CGE Modelling and I-O Table Development
Track 2: 08:30-10:42 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #8
Recent estimations about the impact of the final negotiated EU-Mercosur Association Agreement
Organized Session #9
Approaches to Modelling COVID-19
Organized Session #10
Modelling the impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on food systems and sustainable resources
Session #11
Climate Impacts and Heat Stress
Session #12
Health in Europe
Session #13
Climate Impacts and Circular Economy
Session #14
Labor Market Issues and Gender Welfare
Track 3: 11:00-12:32 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Plenary Session
Trade Policy Analysis and Sustainability

Presentation Schedule

Opening Remarks
Pre-recorded Opening Remarks

Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University

Track 1: 06:00-08:12 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #1 Understanding Economic Impacts of COVID-19
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Organizer(s) Sebnem Sahin, BAU International
Session Host Erwin Corong, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Sebnem Sahin, BAU International
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Poverty and Income Distribution Incidence of the COVID-19 Outbreak: Investigating Socially Responsible Policy Alternatives for Turkey
A. Erinc Yeldan, Kadir Has University
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Potential Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Afghanistan and its SDG Attainment
Sebnem Sahin, BAU International
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:37 Discussant: Marinos Tsigas, US International Trade Commission
07:37-07:40 Session Closing
Organized Session #2 Compare-Contrast-Connect: What Do We Learn from Decades of Water Modeling Efforts?
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Organizer(s) Jing Liu, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Host Uris Lantz Baldos, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Jing Liu, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 A review of CGE modelling of irrigation developments and policies in Australia
Glyn Wittwer, Centre of Policy Studies
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Macro-economy and river system modeling: A co-evolutionary framework applied to the Eastern Nile River Basin
Mohammed Basheer, The University of Manchester
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 China’s Food Security and Water, Fertilizer, Pesticide, and GHG Saving through Crop Redistribution
Zhu Anfeng, PKU
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-08:09 Discussant: Thomas Kompas, University of Melbourne
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Organized Session #3 The 1st Seminar on Bridging the Gap between CGE and NQTMs: Recent Methodologies in Global Trade for Applied Policy Analysis
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Organizer(s) Anton Yang, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Konstantinos Arkolakis, Yale University
Session Host Zeynep Akgul, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Thomas Hertel, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Aggregate Implications of Firm Heterogeneity: A Nonparametric Analysis of Monopolistic Competition Trade Models
Konstantinos Arkolakis, Yale University
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Structural Estimation of a Gravity Model of Trade with the Constant-Difference-of-Elasticities
Anton Yang, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Nested Gravity
Yoto Yotov, Drexel University
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-08:09 Discussant: Roberta Piermartini, World Trade Organization
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
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Session #4 Climate Change Policy
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Session Host Maksym Chepeliev, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Wolfgang Britz, University of Bonn
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Impacts of China’s Emissions Trading Scheme on the National and Hong Kong Economies: A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
Yue Wang, New Zealand Forest Research Institute (Scion)

*Wallace E. Tyner Award Recipient

06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Gains from linking the EU and Chinese ETS under different assumptions on restrictions, adjusted endowments, and international trade
Malte Winkler, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Scenarios for Assessing Climate-related Financial Risk
Y.-H. Henry Chen, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 Mitigating Non-CO2 greenhouse gases in an integrated assessment model
Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #5 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
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Session Host Wajiha Saeed, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Edward J. Balistreri, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 The Impact of RCEP on Chinese Regional Economy from Global Value Chains Perspective
Lingling Zhou, Tsinghua University
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Agricultural Trade Impacts of RCEP: An Integrated Partial Equilibrium and General Equilibrium Assessment
Xi He, Iowa State University
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Estimating the economic and distributional impacts of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
Maria Filipa Seara Pereira, World Bank
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:40 Session Closing
Session #6 African Continental Free Trade Area
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Session Host Roman Keeney, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
Session Chair Simon Mevel, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Japan-AfCFTA Integration Through Economic Impacts of Alternative EPA Scenarios -Examination of the GTAP 10A MRIO Database
Onur Biyik, Waseda University
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Intra-Africa Trade in Services and the Prospects of AfCFTA
Socrates Majune, University of Nairobi

*Wallace E. Tyner Award Recipient

06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Survey of AfCFTA Impact Studies with special attention given to the estimation and implementation of Non-Tariffs Measures (NTMs) and their Impact of Welfare Results
Jane Karonga, UNECA
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 Poverty Impact Assessment of the AfCFTA’s Implementation: A Macro-Micro Simulation Approach
Souleymane Sadio Diallo, UN Economic Commission for Africa
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #7 CGE Modelling and I-O Table Development
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Session Host Alfredo Cisneros-Pineda, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Angel Aguiar, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Assessing the Economy-wide Impacts of Strengthened Bank Capital Requirement in Indonesia using a Financial-Computable General Equilibrium Model
Arief Rasyid, Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Construction of a Global Input-Output Table Embedding Chinese Provincial Multi-Regional Input-Output Table
Chen Pan, Tsinghua University
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:08 Session Closing
Track 2: 08:30-10:42 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #8 Recent estimations about the impact of the final negotiated EU-Mercosur Association Agreement
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Organizer(s) Gabriela Ortiz Valverde, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Session Host Erwin Corong, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Marinos Tsigas, US International Trade Commission
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 New EU-MERCOSUR Association Agreement: Quantitative Assessment of its Impacts on Global Trade in Agricultural Commodities
Antonia Ngavozafy, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Impact assessment of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement on the US economy
David Suarez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 A Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGE) assessment of the short and long-run impact on Brazil of the European Union – Mercosur Trade Agreement
Gabriela Ortiz Valverde, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:39 Discussant: Cicero Zanetti De Lima, Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Organized Session #9 Approaches to Modelling COVID-19
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Organizer(s) Terrie Walmsley, University of Southern California and ImpactECON
Session Host Alla Golub, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Terrie Walmsley, University of Southern California and ImpactECON
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Modelling the Economic Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Lockdown Policies: A Structural Simulation Model Applied to Four Countries
Sherman Robinson, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Using a quarterly CGE model to analyze the effects of Covid on the U.S. economy
Maureen Rimmer, Centre of Policy Studies
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 The Impacts of the Coronavirus on the US and the World Economy
Terrie Walmsley, University of Southern California and ImpactECON
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 A Disasters Framework for Estimating the Macroeconomic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Adam Rose, University of Southern California
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Organized Session #10 Modelling the impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on food systems and sustainable resources
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Organizer(s) Emanuele Ferrari, European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Caitlyn Carrico, Wageningen Economic Research
Session Host Ginger Batta, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Giampiero Genovese, European Commission - Joint Research Centre
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 The food security dimension of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
Antti Simola, European Commission -Joint Research Center
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Disaggregating Underlying Drivers of Fruit and Vegetables Trade : an HS-level Modelling Analysis of the AfCFTA
Caitlyn Carrico, Wageningen Economic Research
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 The Advent of the AfCFTA: New Possibilities and Implications for the African Land-Water-Climate-Food Nexus
Jason Levin-Koopman, Wageningen Economic Research
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 The AfCFTA at a country level: trade liberalization in Kenya
Victor Nechifor, Joint Research Centre
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Session #11 Climate Impacts and Heat Stress
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Session Host Srabashi Ray, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Y.-H. Henry Chen, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Economic damage of climate change: How far is it from the physical damage?
Taoyuan Wei, CICERO Center for International Climate Research
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Climate Change and Heat Stress Impacts: Does Seasonality of Labor Matter?
Arndt Feuerbacher, University of Hohenheim
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Margins of Adaptation to Human Heat Stress: Local, National, and Global Socioeconomic Responses
Iman Haqiqi, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Heat Stress, Agricultural Labor and Poverty Impacts of Climate Change
Wajiha Saeed, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Session #12 Health in Europe
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Session Host Uris Lantz Baldos, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Zuzana Smeets Kristkova, Wageningen Economic Research
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 A health and food-system analysis of Brexit-related policy approaches
Florian Freund, Thünen Institute of Market Analysis
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 To Have and Have Not - Evaluating the costs and benefits of the welfare state with an AGE model of Finland with Intergenerational Accounting
Juha Honkatukia, National Institute for Health and Welfare
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 The economic consequences of air pollution policies in Arctic Council countries: a sectoral analysis
Daniel Ostale Valriberas, OECD
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:10 Session Closing
Session #13 Climate Impacts and Circular Economy
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Session Host Alfredo Cisneros-Pineda, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Ruben Bibas, OECD
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 The Economic Incidence and Interactions of Climate Change Impacts in the United States Across Regions, Sectors, and Households
James McFarland, U.S, EPA
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 From incineration to recycling – An economic and environmental assessment of circular economy of plastics in Finland
Hannu Savolainen, Finnish Environment Institute
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Waste management and circular economy in a CGE framework
Heleen Bartelings, Wageningen Economic Research
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:10 Session Closing
Session #14 Labor Market Issues and Gender Welfare
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Session Host Jing Liu, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Margaret Chitiga, University of Pretoria
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Understanding U.S. Workers Exposure to Trade by Sex, Education, and Occupation
Samantha Schreiber, US International Trade Commission
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Modeling household and labor heterogeneity in selected LDCs
Massimiliano La Marca, ILO, International Labour Organization
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women's welfare and domestic burdens in Bolivia
Helene Maisonnave, University of Le Havre
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Evaluating the regional impacts of climate change on women's well-being, domestic burdens and food security in Bolivia
Luis Enrique Escalante Ochoa, Université du Havre – Normandie
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Track 3: 11:00-12:32 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Plenary Session Trade Policy Analysis and Sustainability
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Session Host Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Bob Koopman, World Trade Organization
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
10:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
11:00-11:05 Session Introduction
11:05-11:35 Rigid, Resilient, or Redundant? Thinking Ahead on GVC Trade
Emily Blanchard, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College
11:35-11:45 Discussion
11:45-11:47 Transition
11:47-12:17 The Geopolitics of Energy Transitions
Morgan Bazilian, Colorado School of Mines
12:17-12:27 Discussion
12:27-12:32 Session Closing

Thursday, June 24

Daily Session Overview

Track 1: 06:00-08:12 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #15
Analyses of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement
Organized Session #16
Modelling Border Carbon Adjustments in GTAP-E
Organized Session #17
Enhanced capacity for trade policy analysis: Building forward better and role of trade to support resilient and green recovery
Session #18
Agricultural and Environmental Impacts from COVID
Session #19
Climate Change Policy
Session #20
Global Trade
Session #21
Applications of Baseline Development
Track 2: 08:30-10:42 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #22
Effects of Firm Heterogeneity in Global Trade
Organized Session #23
GTAP Conference Scholars Session
Organized Session #24
Coupling Economic - Ecosystem Services - Water Models for Global-Local Sustainability Analysis
Session #25
COVID Impacts and Recovery in Africa
Session #26
Multilateral Trade Negotiations
Session #27
Water and Infrastructure
Session #28
Climate Change Policy
Track 3: 11:00-13:12 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #29
Building capacity for economic modelling in Africa, with a focus on the AfCFTA
Organized Session #30
Material resources modelling
Organized Session #31
Projections with recursive dynamics: Structural change, trade, decoupling and COVID-19
Session #32
Session #33
Land Use and Agricultural Policies
Session #34
Modelling Agricultural and Climate Policy and Impacts in South America
Session #35
Model Validation and Calibration and Parameter Estimation

Presentation Schedule

Track 1: 06:00-08:12 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #15 Analyses of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement
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Organizer(s) Marinos Tsigas, US International Trade Commission
Session Host Alfredo Cisneros-Pineda, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Marinos Tsigas, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 European Union (EU) – MERCOSUR Trade Agreement: Implications for U.S. Exports and Market Shares
Constanza Valdes, USDA Economic Research Service (ERS)
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 The EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement: standards, impacts, and implications for trade competitiveness
Erika Bethmann, United States International Trade Commission
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 A CGE analysis of the EU-Mercosur agreement including Melitz, multinationals and unemployment effects
María C. Latorre, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-08:09 Discussant: Caitlyn Carrico, Wageningen Economic Research
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Organized Session #16 Modelling Border Carbon Adjustments in GTAP-E
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Organizer(s) Erwin Corong, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Ralf Peters, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Session Host Thomas Hertel, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Erwin Corong, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Understanding the potential impacts of border carbon adjustment (BCA) on the Global economy
Ralf Peters, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Carbon border adjustment policies: Potential impacts on the Asia-Pacific region
Anna Strutt, University of Waikato
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Alternative border-carbon-adjustment mechanisms in the European Union and responses: aggregate and within-coalition results
Francesco Clora, University of Copenhagen
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:40 Session Closing
Organized Session #17 Enhanced capacity for trade policy analysis: Building forward better and role of trade to support resilient and green recovery
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Organizer(s) Mustapha Sadni Jallab, UNIDEP
Maarten Willem Antoine Smeets, St Petersburg State University
Session Host Wajiha Saeed, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Mustapha Sadni Jallab, UNIDEP
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 CO2 Emissions, Environmental Provisions and Global Value Chains in MENA Countries
Insaf Guedidi, Higher School of Economic and Commercial Sciences of Tunis ESSECT
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Impact of Non-Tariff Measures in the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA): A CGE Approach
Abdallah Akintola, Sultan Qaboos University
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Removing Markets Constraints and Smallholder’s Adaptation to Climate Change
Boris Lokonon, UNU-INRA
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-08:09 Discussant: Nassim Oulmane, UN Economic Commission for Africa
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #18 Agricultural and Environmental Impacts from COVID
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Session Host Srabashi Ray, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Janine Pelikan, Thünen Institute of Market Analysis
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Agricultural policy and covid-19 in Colombia
Dora Elena Jiménez Giraldo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Assessing the economic impact of COVID-19 on the agrifood system and on global food security: exploring different macro-economic and international trade scenarios
Hans van Meijl, Wageningen Economic Research
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Assessing short-term and long-term economic and environmental effects of the COVID crisis in France
Meriem Hamdi-Cherif, OFCE Sciences Po - French Economic Observatory
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 The long-term effects of regional trading hubs and reshoring on environmental pressure in light of Covid-19
Rob Dellink, OECD
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #19 Climate Change Policy
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Session Host Iman Haqiqi, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Jean Foure, OECD
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 CGE modelling of the net impact from Australia's transition to a low-carbon economy
Cedric Hodges, Deloitte Access Economics
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Role of Private Investors in Climate Finance in Annex-I countries, while traversing to a low carbon economy.
Somya Mathur, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Towards a low-emissions economy: The role of abatement targets and carbon taxes
Marcos Gonzalez-Auhing, Universidad EAFIT
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 GHG emission, trade balance, and carbon leakage: insights from modeling thirty-one European decarbonization pathways towards 2050
Wusheng Yu, University of Copenhagen
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #20 Global Trade
(return to overview)
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Session Host Roman Keeney, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
Session Chair Karen Thierfelder, USNA
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Should the United States Rejoin the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal?
Hiro Lee, Osaka University
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 The Impacts of China-US Trade Friction on Global economy and China's Subnational economy
Jianwu He, Development Research Center of State Council
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Does China’s business matter to South America?
Vinicius Vale, Federal University of Parana
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 Does Covid-19 make consumers discriminate Chinese products? – Evidence from Amazon
Alma Cortes Selva, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #21 Applications of Baseline Development
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Session Host Angel Aguiar, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Alessandro Antimiani, Consortium University of RomeTRE, Manlio Rossi Doria, CREA, ENEA and SEEDS
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 An introduction of GTEM-Food: A baseline calibration with a focus on food
Duy Nong, The Commonwealth Scientific Industrial and Research Organisation
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Historical validation of saving and trade intensities using the GDyn-FS model and historically informed baseline projections
Paul Gretton, Australian National University
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Monetary policy in a CGE model
Ragchaasuren Galindev, Economic Research Institute
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 How Central Asia to escape from trade isolation? Policy Targeted Scenarios by CGE Modeling
Valijon Turakulov, Graduate School of Inha University
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Track 2: 08:30-10:42 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #22 Effects of Firm Heterogeneity in Global Trade
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Organizer(s) Zeynep Akgul, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Host Thomas Hertel, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Caitlyn Carrico, Wageningen Economic Research
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Agri-food trade in GTAP-HET: Returns to scale in agriculture, and the Melitz model
Mike Bourne, DEFRA
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Potential productivity effects of U.S. trade agreements
Marinos Tsigas, US International Trade Commission
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Analyzing the effects of free trade agreements in a Melitz-CGE model: Evidence from Turkey-UK FTA
Zeynep Akgul, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Mathematics of Generalized Versions of the Melitz, Krugman and Armington Models with Detailed Derivations
David Tarr, Laboratory of International Trade, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Admin
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Organized Session #23 GTAP Conference Scholars Session
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Organizer(s) Mary Burfisher, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Host Alla Golub, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Mary Burfisher, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Evaluating the Impact of Removing Export Subsidy in Bangladesh
Mohammad Rahman, University of Waikato & National University of Singapore
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Modelling the impact of intra- and international trade integration on subnational agricultural markets
Charlotte Janssens, University of Leuven
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Easing the Effects of Austerity with Reforms: A regional CGE experiment on Brazilian labor productivity
Guilherme Cardoso, Federal University of Minas Gerais
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Proceedings Paper: An economic assessment of U.S. ground beef in response to the introduction of plant-based meat alternatives
Samantha Werth, University of California, Davis
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Organized Session #24 Coupling Economic - Ecosystem Services - Water Models for Global-Local Sustainability Analysis
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Organizer(s) Uris Lantz Baldos, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Host Iman Haqiqi, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Justin Johnson, University of Minnesota
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Integrated Economic and Ecosystem Services Modeling
Uris Lantz Baldos, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Environmental Stressors Can Intensify the Impacts of Pandemics on Earth’s Natural Resources and Global Food Systems
Marziyeh Bahalou Horeh, West Virginia University
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:38 Session Closing
Session #25 COVID Impacts and Recovery in Africa
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Session Host Erwin Corong, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Sherman Robinson, International Food Policy Research Institute
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 The macroeconomic implications of COVID-19 pandemic and associated policies: An economy-wide analysis of Uganda
Judith Kabajulizi, Coventry University
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Modelling a Gender Inclusive COVID-19 Recovery for Zimbabwe
Margaret Chitiga, University of Pretoria
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 The impact of the COVID 19 enforced lockdown and fiscal package on the South African economy and environment: A preliminary analysis
Martin Henseler, PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy) Research Network
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Recovery from Covid-19 in South Africa
Sherwin Gabriel, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Session #26 Multilateral Trade Negotiations
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Session Host Ginger Batta, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Russell Hillberry, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 International Responses to US Protectionism: Trade Diversion and Continued Regional and Global Integration without the US
Karen Thierfelder, USNA
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 A Cross-country Assessment of Commitment Behavior in the Trade Facilitation Agreement
Carlos Zurita, Purdue University
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Advent of Chinese goods into african markets: Impact on firms’ growth
Quentin Hounyonou, Mines-paristech
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:10 Session Closing
Session #27 Water and Infrastructure
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Session Host Jing Liu, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Martina Sartori, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Impact of China’s South-North Water Transfer Project on Agriculture: A Multi-scale Analysis of the Food-Land-Water System
Zhan Wang, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 The role of finance and financing conditions of large infrastructure projects: A CGE analysis of Ghana’s Bui Dam
Alvaro Calzadilla, UCL - Institute for Sustainable Resources
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Public expenditure for water facility and road transport infrastructure in Ethiopia: A comparison of impacts using an economy-wide model
Abdulaziz Mosa, Department of Economics, Wolkite University

*Alex Meeraus / Thomas Rutherford Award Recipient

09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Economy-wide assessment of the impacts of Nile sediment reduction on the Sudanese construction sector
Khalid Siddig, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Session #28 Climate Change Policy
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Session Host Maksym Chepeliev, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Meriem Hamdi-Cherif, OFCE Sciences Po - French Economic Observatory
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 A comprehensive socio-economic assessment of the increased 2030 EU climate target
Matthias Weitzel, European Commission - Joint Research Centre
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 EU Carbon Border Adjustment with the US rejoining Paris: A bit of a game changer
Lionel Fontagné, Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1 / CEPII
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Implication of the Paris Targets for the Middle East Through Different Cooperation Options
Mohammad M. Khabbazan, Berlin University of Technology (TU-Berlin)
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Improved food intake in OECD countries as a key global climate mitigation driver
Bruno Cunha, COPPE/UFRJ
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Track 3: 11:00-13:12 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #29 Building capacity for economic modelling in Africa, with a focus on the AfCFTA
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Organizer(s) United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
International Food Policy Research Institute
Session Host Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Beatriz Velazquez, European Commission (EC) - Directorate General for Trade
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
10:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
11:00-11:03 Session Introduction
11:03-11:23 Potential economic and environmental impacts of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
Oluwasola Emmanuel Omoju, National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies
11:23-11:33 Discussion
11:33-11:35 Transition
11:35-11:55 AfCFTA: Does it fast-track structural transformation in Senegal?
Leysa Maty Sall, AKADEMIYA2063
11:55-12:05 Discussion
12:05-12:07 Transition
12:07-12:27 Impact of AfCFTA implementation on the Moroccan economy: A CGE modeling assessment
Raouf Radouane, Mohammed V University
12:27-12:37 Discussion
12:37-12:39 Transition
12:39-12:59 Towards an African Continental Free-Trade Area: What are the fiscal and welfare implications for Senegal?
Mariam Amadou Diallo, AKADEMIYA2063
12:59-13:09 Discussion
13:09-13:12 Session Closing
Organized Session #30 Material resources modelling
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Organizer(s) Ruben Bibas, OECD
Maksym Chepeliev, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Host Alla Golub, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Elisa Lanzi, OECD Environment Directorate
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
10:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
11:00-11:03 Session Introduction
11:03-11:23 Healthier but wasteful? Changes in food loss and waste along global supply chains with healthier diets
Alessandro Gatto, Wageningen University and Research
11:23-11:33 Discussion
11:33-11:35 Transition
11:35-11:55 Circular Economy Transition in the Eastern European Member States
Maksym Chepeliev, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
11:55-12:05 Discussion
12:05-12:07 Transition
12:07-12:27 Projections of plastics use policy scenarios to 2060
Ruben Bibas, OECD
12:27-12:37 Discussion
12:37-12:40 Session Closing
Organized Session #31 Projections with recursive dynamics: Structural change, trade, decoupling and COVID-19
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Organizer(s) Eddy Bekkers, World Trade Organization
Session Host Erwin Corong, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Bob Koopman, World Trade Organization
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
10:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
11:00-11:03 Session Introduction
11:03-11:23 The determinants of structural change in the global economy. An analysis based on historical simulations
Gianmarco Cariola, IHEID
11:23-11:33 Discussion
11:33-11:35 Transition
11:35-11:55 The Impact of Trade Conflicts on Innovation
Carlos Goes, University of California, San Diego
11:55-12:05 Discussion
12:05-12:07 Transition
12:07-12:27 Globalization not localization key to COVID-19 recovery and poverty alleviation
Maryla Maliszewska, The World Bank
12:27-12:37 Discussion
12:37-12:39 Transition
12:39-12:59 Global trade patterns in 2050 and its drivers
Daniil Orlov, World Trade Institute, University of Bern
12:59-13:09 Discussion
13:09-13:12 Session Closing
Session #32 Sustainability
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Session Host Ginger Batta, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Emanuele Ferrari, European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
10:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
11:00-11:03 Session Introduction
11:03-11:23 Impact of food waste and loss reduction on sustainability targets
Kirsten Boysen-Urban, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
11:23-11:33 Discussion
11:33-11:35 Transition
11:35-11:55 Agricultural Labor Supply and the Impacts of Environmental Sustainability Policies
Srabashi Ray, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
11:55-12:05 Discussion
12:05-12:07 Transition
12:07-12:27 Capturing the drivers of social SDGs: An econometric analysis of the dimensions of health and education.
Pilar Gracia De Renteria, Agrifood Research and Technology Centre of Aragon CITA
12:27-12:37 Discussion
12:37-12:40 Session Closing
Session #33 Land Use and Agricultural Policies
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Session Host Uris Lantz Baldos, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Alfredo Cisneros-Pineda, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
10:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
11:00-11:03 Session Introduction
11:03-11:23 Impact of climate change on households welfare in Burkina Faso
Abdoul Karim Zanhouo, Anadolu University
11:23-11:33 Discussion
11:33-11:35 Transition
11:35-11:55 The long-term effects of soil erosion: a global economic analysis
Martina Sartori, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
11:55-12:05 Discussion
12:05-12:07 Transition
12:07-12:27 Lack of Ambition, Not Leakage, is What Can Make Brazil’s Soybean Supply-Chain Zero Deforestation Commitments Ineffective
Nelson B. Villoria, Department of Agricultural Economics
12:27-12:37 Discussion
12:37-12:39 Transition
12:39-12:59 Endogenous Adoption of International Agri-food Practices and Standards
Jayson Beckman, Economic Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture
12:59-13:09 Discussion
13:09-13:12 Session Closing
Session #34 Modelling Agricultural and Climate Policy and Impacts in South America
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Session Host Angel Aguiar, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Farzad Taheripour, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
10:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
11:00-11:03 Session Introduction
11:03-11:23 The productivity of the agricultural sector and its effects on economic growth: a CGE analysis integrated with Artificial Intelligence
Diego Fernando Montañez Herrera, Universidad EAFIT
11:23-11:33 Discussion
11:33-11:35 Transition
11:35-11:55 The Regional Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Family Farming and Large-Scale Agriculture in Brazil: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach
Tarik Marques Do Prado Tanure, Federal University of Parana UFPR

*Ken Pearson Award Recipient

11:55-12:05 Discussion
12:05-12:07 Transition
12:07-12:27 Climate Change and Agricultural Supply in Brazil
Joaquim Bento Ferreira-Filho, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
12:27-12:37 Discussion
12:37-12:40 Session Closing
Session #35 Model Validation and Calibration and Parameter Estimation
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Session Host Zeynep Akgul, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Gabriele Standardi, CMCC - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
10:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
11:00-11:03 Session Introduction
11:03-11:23 Stochastic simulation with informed rotations of Gaussian quadratures
Davit Stepanyan, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
11:23-11:33 Discussion
11:33-11:35 Transition
11:35-11:55 Introducing the Water-Energy link in a General Equilibrium Model: ICES-WN
Elisa Bardazzi, Ca Foscari University
11:55-12:05 Discussion
12:05-12:07 Transition
12:07-12:27 Incorporating additional information for the estimation of interregional trade flows
Bartlomiej Rokicki, University of Warsaw
12:27-12:37 Discussion
12:37-12:39 Transition
12:39-12:59 How strong is the UKs preference for more variety?
Elliot Delahaye, Department for International Trade
12:59-13:09 Discussion
13:09-13:12 Session Closing

Friday, June 25

Daily Session Overview

Track 1: 06:00-08:12 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #36
Improving baseline projections with the GTAP-Recursive Dynamic (RD) model framework
Organized Session #37
Results from the Energy Modeling Forum on Post-Paris Carbon Pricing (EMF36)
Organized Session #38
FDI, affiliate sales, and investment facilitation. Data development and estimation
Session #39
Economic Development and Renewable Energy
Session #40
COVID Impacts
Session #41
Trade Agreements
Session #42
Session #43
Water and Agricultural Policies
Track 2: 08:30-10:42 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #44
The Economic, Poverty and Environmental Impacts of Publicly Funded International Agricultural Innovations
Organized Session #45
COVID-19, jobs and long run trade patterns
Organized Session #46
FDI, affiliate sales, and investment facilitation. Quantitative modelling
Session #47
Non-Tariff Barriers
Session #48
Bioenergy and Energy Demand
Session #49
Trade and the Environment
Session #50
Calibration and Parameter Estimation
Session #51
Land Use and Food Prices and Security
Track 3: 11:00-12:40 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Plenary Panel
Food Systems Sustainability Post-COVID

Presentation Schedule

Track 1: 06:00-08:12 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #36 Improving baseline projections with the GTAP-Recursive Dynamic (RD) model framework
(return to overview)
*Session not recorded
Organizer(s) Wen Jin Yuan, US International Trade Commission
Erwin Corong, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Host Thomas Hertel, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair William Powers, US International Trade Commission
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Analyzing Different Macroeconomic Closures in Baseline Projections in the GTAP-Recursive Dynamic (RD) Model Framework – Implications for Structural Differences
Wen Jin Yuan, US International Trade Commission
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 A GTAP Historical Simulation from 2004 to 2014
Peter Dixon, Victoria University
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Baseline Projections of Global Trade
Angel Aguiar, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-08:09 Discussant: Marinos Tsigas, US International Trade Commission
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Organized Session #37 Results from the Energy Modeling Forum on Post-Paris Carbon Pricing (EMF36)
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Organizer(s) Sonja Peterson, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Christoph Böhringer, University of Oldenburg
Session Host Maksym Chepeliev, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Sonja Peterson, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Climate Policies after Paris: Pledge, Trade, and Recycle
Jan Schneider, University of Oldenburg
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Distributional Impacts of Carbon Pricing Policies under Paris Agreement: Inter and Intra-Regional Perspectives
Israel Osorio Rodarte, The World Bank
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Distributional effects of carbon pricing on households: a case study for Brazil under the Paris Agreement goals
Rafael Garaffa, PPE COPPE UFRJ
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:40 Session Closing
Organized Session #38 FDI, affiliate sales, and investment facilitation. Data development and estimation
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Organizer(s) Zoryana Olekseyuk, German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik
Session Host Zeynep Akgul, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Axel Berger, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 A Global Foreign Direct Investment Stocks Database
Yu Roger So, World Trade Organization
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Foreign Affiliate Sales Data
Steen Wettstein, WTO
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 The Updated Investment Facilitation Index
Zoryana Olekseyuk, German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 Estimating cost reductions of multinational activity of a potential Investment Facilitation Agreement.
Eddy Bekkers, World Trade Organization
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #39 Economic Development and Renewable Energy
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Session Host Uris Lantz Baldos, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Russell Hillberry, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Trade Costs and Mark-Ups in Maritime Shipping
Manuel Jimenez, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 The Brumadinho dam rupture disaster in Minas Gerais (Brazil) and the productivity: regional economic impacts using a computable general equilibrium approach
Cláudio Eurico Seibert Fernandes Da Silva, Universidade Federal de Juiz de For a
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Implication of Climate Driven Supply of Renewable Energy Along the Electrification Pathway Toward Mitigation
Mei Yuan, MIT Joint Program
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 Developing renewable electricity with carbon tax recycling mechanisms in the East Asia region
Yuventus Effendi, Australian National University
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #40 COVID Impacts
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Session Host Ginger Batta, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Stephen Karingi, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 The COVID crumbling of tourism in Andalusia: an assessment of economic and environmental consequences
Roberto Roson, Ca'Foscari University and Loyola Andalusia University
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Global and local effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Africa: What role does tourism play?
Dorothee Flaig, University of Hohenheim
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Impact of the Covid-19 on remittances and Economic growth in Africa: Theoretical framework and empirical evidences
Wafa Aidi, UNECA
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 Analysing the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy
Christine Arriola, OECD
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #41 Trade Agreements
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Session Host Roman Keeney, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
Session Chair Antonia Ngavozafy, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Can behind-border measures in free trade agreements benefit domestic firms?
Qiaomin Li, University of Science and Technology Beijing
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 Trade Agreements and Regulatory Heterogeneity
Achim Vogt, World Trade Institute, University Bern
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Modeling the Proposed US-UK Trade Agreement in GTAP
Jeffrey Ferry, Coalition for a Prosperous America
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 Impact of the trade Agreement between Latin American Countries and East Asia Pacific countries
José Elías Durán Lima, ECLAC, United Nations
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #42 Africa
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Session Host Wajiha Saeed, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Srabashi Ray, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Tariff Escalation and Import Bans in the Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and West Africa
Omid Zamani, Thuenen Institute
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 On the optimality of Common External Tariffs in Africa
Antoine Bouët, IFPRI
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Improving livelihoods in agriculture-based economies through processing sector development: A CGE analysis on Benin
Thierry Kinkpe, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 The Impacts of the Cocoa Living Income Differential Policy on Ghana
Ole Boysen, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Session #43 Water and Agricultural Policies
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Session Host Iman Haqiqi, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Jason Levin-Koopman, Wageningen Economic Research
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
05:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
06:00-06:03 Session Introduction
06:03-06:23 Evaluating Alternative Options for Managing Nitrogen Losses from US Corn Production
Jing Liu, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
06:23-06:33 Discussion
06:33-06:35 Transition
06:35-06:55 The impact of the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on virtual water trade flows
Benedetta Falsetti, Politecnico di Torino
06:55-07:05 Discussion
07:05-07:07 Transition
07:07-07:27 Assessing the impact of dual production systems on Agri-food trade and trade policy
Lee Humphreys, Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
07:27-07:37 Discussion
07:37-07:39 Transition
07:39-07:59 The impacts of the Sino-U.S. trade war on major cotton exporting and importing economies.
Shweta Adhikari, University of Georgia
07:59-08:09 Discussion
08:09-08:12 Session Closing
Track 2: 08:30-10:42 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Organized Session #44 The Economic, Poverty and Environmental Impacts of Publicly Funded International Agricultural Innovations
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Organizer(s) Thomas Hertel, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Host Srabashi Ray, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Thomas Hertel, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 The Diffusion and Productivity Impact of CGIAR-related Crop Improvement Technologies Since 1960
Keith Fuglie, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Understanding the Impacts of CGIAR Research on the Global Geographic Distribution of Land Use, Undernutrition and Biodiversity
Thomas Hertel, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Modeling the Impacts of CGIAR Research on Agricultural Prices, Incomes and Poverty
Will Martin, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:39 Discussant: Hans van Meijl, Wageningen Economic Research
Discussion Panelists
Ruben Echeverria, IFPRI-CGIAR
Uris Lantz Baldos, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Alfredo Cisneros-Pineda, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Rob Vos, International Food Policy Research Institute
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Organized Session #45 COVID-19, jobs and long run trade patterns
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Organizer(s) Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova, European Commission - DG Trade
Eddy Bekkers, World Trade Organization
Session Host Angel Aguiar, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Lars Nilsson, European Commission - DG Trade
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 The impact of COVID on exports related jobs in the European Union
Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova, European Commission - DG Trade
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 The resilience of the EU single market
Alessandro Antimiani, Consortium University of RomeTRE, Manlio Rossi Doria, CREA, ENEA and SEEDS
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 The way forward: the impact of future trade policies on global trade patterns
Jeanne Metivier, WTO
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:10 Session Closing
Organized Session #46 FDI, affiliate sales, and investment facilitation. Quantitative modelling
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Organizer(s) Marc Bacchetta, World Trade Organization
Session Host Roman Keeney, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
Session Chair Marc Bacchetta, World Trade Organization
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Modelling FDI and Affiliate Sales
Erwin Corong, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Economic Impacts of Investment Facilitation
Edward J. Balistreri, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 The implementation costs of investment facilitation framework
Ali Dadkhah, Ciuriak Consulting
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:10 Session Closing
Session #47 Non-Tariff Barriers
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Session Host Zeynep Akgul, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Terrie Walmsley, University of Southern California and ImpactECON
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Global Value Chain in West Africa, does trade facilitation matters?
Niango Sika Brice Adou, African Economic Research Consortium
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Assessing the impacts of eliminating Non-Tariff Barriers in the framework of the African Continental Free Trade Area on Cameroons economy
Rostant Roland Leudjou Njiteu, North-West University
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Impacts of Institutional Efficiency on Trade in Developed and Developing Countries
Damares Lopes Afonso, Graduate Program in Economics, Federal University of Juiz de Fora
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Input-Output Analysis: The Case of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Brazil
Tais Menezes, University of Sao Paulo
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Session #48 Bioenergy and Energy Demand
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Session Host Maksym Chepeliev, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Heleen Bartelings, Wageningen Economic Research
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Combining large-scale sensitivity/uncertainty analysis in Computable General Equilibrium analysis with Machine Learning to find optimal policy mixes
Wolfgang Britz, University of Bonn
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Holistic approach to assess the impact of green Investments using the MAGNET model
Zuzana Smeets Kristkova, Wageningen Economic Research
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 The Roles of Technological Change and Climate Policy for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from U.S. Transportation and Electricity Generation
Yongxia Cai, RTI International
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Assessing macro-economic effects of climate impacts on energy demand in EU sub-national regions
Gabriele Standardi, CMCC - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Session #49 Trade and the Environment
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Session Host Jing Liu, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Joaquim Bento Ferreira-Filho, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 The economic benefits of international co-operation to improve air quality in Northeast Asia: A focus on Japan, Korea and China
Elisa Lanzi, OECD Environment Directorate
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Impacts on Land Use Changes in the United States from Global Forces and Drivers: Searching for Tipping Points in a Multi System Dynamics Approach
Angelo Gurgel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 The role of global agricultural market integration in multiregional economic modeling: using hindcast experiments to validate an Armington model
Xin Zhao, Joint Global Change Research Institute, PNNL
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Approximating International Linkages in a National CGE Model
Andrew Schreiber, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Session #50 Calibration and Parameter Estimation
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Session Host Wajiha Saeed, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Anton Yang, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Incorporating heterogeneous export supply and import demand elasticities in a CGE model
Alla Golub, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Graph Neural Network in Space: A New Gravity Explanation of Continuous Trade
Yang Yu, Purdue University
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Economic modeling and the choice of model parameters: Case of land use modeling
Farzad Taheripour, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:09 Transition
10:09-10:29 Infrastructure in CGE models: Alternative formulations, empirical evidence, and a new approach
Hans Lofgren, Independent Researcher
10:29-10:39 Discussion
10:39-10:42 Session Closing
Session #51 Land Use and Food Prices and Security
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Session Host Iman Haqiqi, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Roberto Roson, Ca'Foscari University and Loyola Andalusia University
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
08:20 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
08:30-08:33 Session Introduction
08:33-08:53 Land for Fish: Does plant-based fodder demand of aquaculture production affect agricultural markets?
Tobias Heimann, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
08:53-09:03 Discussion
09:03-09:05 Transition
09:05-09:25 Economic impact of invasive alien species. Linking ecosystem service accounts to general equilibrium models
Alessandra La Notte, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-09:37 Transition
09:37-09:57 Tracking calories in CGE models: from fork to farm
Ronald Sands, USDA Economic Research Service
09:57-10:07 Discussion
10:07-10:10 Session Closing
Track: 3: 11:00-12:40 (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
Plenary Panel Food Systems Sustainability Post-COVID
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Session Host Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
Session Chair Maryla Maliszewska, The World Bank
Schedule (EDT, UTC/GMT-4h), 24-hour clock
10:50 Session Room Opens (Hosts, chairs, presenters, and discussants should connect at this time.)
11:00-11:05 Session Introduction
11:05-11:20 Food Systems from an International Trade Perspective
Ian Sheldon, Ohio State University
11:20-11:35 Food Systems from a Developed Country Perspective
David Zilberman, University of California Berkeley
11:35-11:50 Food Systems from a Developing Country Perspective
Johan Swinnen, International Food Policy Research Institute
11:50-12:20 Discussion
12:20-12:25 Panel Closing
12:25-12:40 Conference Closing: Awards Ceremony, 2022 Conference Preview, Closing Remarks
Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University

Participant List

Angelova, Denitsa (
CMCC, Italy
Arkolakis, Costas (
Yale University, United States
Akintola, Abdallah (
University of Washington, United States
Aidi, Wafa (
UNECA, Ethiopia
Alexandre, Jean-Wilner (
Essex County College, United States
Arriola, Christine (
OECD, France
Anfeng, Zhu (
PKU, China
Adhikari, Shweta (
University of Georgia, United States
Awantang, Adeline (
N/A, United States
Abro, Zewdu Ayalew (
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology , Kenya
Adou, Niango Sika Brice (
African Economic Research Consortium, Cote d'Ivoire
Antimiani, Alessandro (
European Commission, DG TRADE, Belgium
Anderson, Kym (
University of Adelaide, Australia
Aguiar, Angel (
Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, United States
Arndt, Channing (
Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, United States
Akgul, Zeynep (
Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, Türkiye

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Center for Global Trade Analysis
Department of Agricultural Economics
Purdue University
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
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